

Elba is the largest island in the Tuscan Archipelago and the third largest in Italy. The western “sunshine coast” is the most touristy area characterised by sandy beaches, while in the eastern “Shining coast” are the former iron mines and cliffs alternating with shimmering black beaches.

The island, thanks to its varied geological composition, offer 126 kind of beaches all of different colours and textures!

Sailing along the coast, it is interesting to note how the environment and plants is changing a few kilometres apart: the eastern part is purely Mediterranean, the central part, particularly in the highlands, is inhabited by chestnut trees, in the wetlands the “Royal fern”, “Red Lily” and Water Irises” prevail, and finally, in the western, more barren area, Cactus and Brooms are to be noted.

Elba is historically famous for its “mines” (The Museum of Minerals of Elba in Rio Marina traces their evolution over the centuries) and for being home of Napoleone Bonaparte, who has profoundly influenced the island during his exile (The National Museum of Napoleon’s residence bears witness to French Emperor’s stay).


Giglio island, the second of the Archipelago, is located in province of Grosseto, opposite the Monte Argentario. Already inhabited in Etruscan and Roman times, it preserves a natural heritage of rare beauty. A popular diving destination for its numerous wrecks and red coral reserves. Ideal for trekking thanks to its paths in the Mediterranean maquis.

The island boasts easy reachable beaches as well as beautiful coves approachable only from the sea. In autumn and spring, whales migrating to the Ligurian Sea as well as many dolphins can be admired along its shores. We are in fact in the Cetacean Sanctuary!!

Giglio Island - SCOPRI DI PIù

Giannutri is the southernmost island of the archipelago. Of volcanic origin and only 3 squared metres in size, it offers just 2 mooring places: Cala Maestra for motor boats and Cala Spalmatoio for the others. Those are active only on summer and have no water, electricity, fuel or toilets facilities.

In Cala Spalmatoio there is a small jetty for temporary mooring, a minimarket and a bar nearby. In the external side of the 2 corridors for boats access, parking, anchoring, fishing and diving are not allowed (the entire island is under video surveillance).

Here, Nature takes over, the typical Mediterranean flora intertwines with the ruins of the ancient Roman villa and the few existing houses.

The sea is characterised by pristine seabed where seahorses and starfish, various species of fish, dolphins and minke whales often swim. Near the island are some wrecks of merchant ships dating back of the period between the 3rd and 1st century BC. After the splendours or Roman time, it remained uninhabited for a long time and later became a Pirates’ hideout until the Napoleonic Era when it was converted to a defensive military settlement. It is now part of municipality of the Giglio island.

Giannutri - SCOPRI DI PIù

The island of silence. It owes its name to the flat territory just 29 metres above sea level. The existence of the maximum security prison (although it is now disused) has made this island inaccessible. It has been identified by the Park authorities as a high-protected island to safeguard bio-diversity both at sea and on land. It is populated by countless rare birds such as the Corsican Seagull and the Peregrine Falcon. The seabed is among the richest and most pristine in the Archipelago.

Offshore, it is possible to spot dolphins and Caretta Caretta turtles, rarely some Monk Seals too.

The island is forbidden to maritime transport, accessible only by guided tours authorised by the prison administration and the Park authorities.

Access, anchoring, stopping, sailing, fishing and diving are prohibited within 2 km from the coast.

Pianosa - SCOPRI DI PIù

The island of Gorgona is in front of Livorno, 34 km from the coast. With its 220 hectares, it is the smallest in the Tuscan Archipelago. It is currently home to a penitentiary built where once stood an old Monastery.

Inland, ancients fortifications from the Roman and later Medici periods can be admired.

In this purely mountainous island, “Cala dello Scalo” is the only mooring point with a short elbow pier with bollards and rings.

A small village crowns the small harbour.

The island is forbidden to maritime transport, accessible only by guided tours authorised by the prison administration or the Park authorities. Access, anchoring, stopping, fishing and diving are not allowed within 2 km from the coast.

As one of the most protected islands in the Park, it is home to numerous marine and bird species, and was one the refuge of the Monk Seal.

Gorgona - SCOPRI DI PIù

An inaccessible island of maximum environmental protection. Belonging to the municipality of Potoferraio, it is one of the protected area managed by Carabinieri Command of the protection of bio-diversity and it is part of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.

The island, originated by an underwater pluton, is entirely mountainous. It is assumed that in Roman times it was called Monte “Giove” due to existence of a temple dedicated to him. In Medieval times, it took the name of Monte Cristo with the building of the Monastery of “San Mamiliano”. Later it became a den of pirates and in the 19th century a Napoleonic military settlement. In 1852 it was bought by the Baron of Strichen, who built his residence “Villa Reale” so splendid that he was nicknamed “The Count of Montecristo”. The many vicissitudes of the island, its mistery and old popular beliefs inspired the writer Alexandre Dumas in the creation of his famous novel.

Later, the island became the hunting lodge of the king Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia.

Montecristo is such a protected island to be considered the only Wild Goat reserve I Italy.

Bathing, mooring, access, anchoring and sailing are forbidden within 1 km from the coast. Transit is permitted within 3 miles from the coast but not fishing and diving.

Montecristo - SCOPRI DI PIù

Consisting mainly of the 7 major islands Gorgona, Capraia, Elba, Pianosa, Montecristo, Giglio and Giannutri, since 1989 is part of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park, a protected area for plant life and fauna.

It is an integral part of the Cetacean Sanctuary “Il Santuario Pelagos” for protection of marine mammals in the Mediterranean Sea, a marine area between French, Monegasque and Italian territory, classified as a “Special Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest”.


The island of Capraia is part of the Tuscan Archipelago National Park.

Located right in front of our Marina, 31 miles from San Vincenzo, 21 miles from the Elba island and 18 miles from Corsica, it is a destination not to be missed!

The third island of the archipelago, of volcanic origin, it offers evocative seabed and unique views.

As soon as you anchor, you will already feel the special scent and soul of this “wild rock”.

The harbour is dominated by a small medieval village, at the foot of the fortress, which can be reached by following the old Roman road; inland, immersed in the Mediterranean maquis, stands the old penal colony and a small lake fed by the rains.

The island is famous for its trekking routes.

The small harbour on the North-East is well sheltered and has a buoy field to the SE.

Cala Mortola, Cala Rossa and Ansa del Ceppo are ideal coves for a rest.

Capraia - SCOPRI DI PIù

Located in French territory, it is the fourth largest island in the Mediterranean sea, separated from Sardinia by the short stretch of “Bocche di Bonifacio”.

Because of its variety of its ecosystems, it is metaphorically defined as a miniature continent, offering landscapes as diverse as they are divergent within a single territory: unspoilt nature, crystal-clear sea and sandy beaches contrasting with picturesque mountains, white cliffs and red rocks. At once wild and welcoming, gentle and rugged, fascinating and austere, Corsica is a unique place that gives strong emotions; it is not coincidence if it is called “L’Ile de la Beauté”.

Its strategic position and wealth have favoured its demographic, commercial and cultural development since antiquity, making its artistic and architectural exceptional heritage.

When visiting Ajaccio, you cannot missing the opportunity to admire, for example, “La Maison Bonaparte”, Napoleon’s birthplace. The succession of dominations over the centuries has made the island a cradle of many peculiarities that can be found in the Corsican language, typical culinary receipts and popular customs.

Located in the Western Mediterranean, it is dotted with a considerable number of small island and archipelagos. The many harbours and “exotic” bays abd coves await you for a stay full of history and charm.

Corsica - SCOPRI DI PIù

Sardinia is the second largest island in the Mediterranean.

Its territory coincides with the Sardinian Archipelago, consisting of the Isla of Sardinia and a considerable number of small island and surrounding archipelagos.

Well-known in antiquity, both by Phoenicians and the Greeks, it was called Ichnussa by the latter for the similarity of its coastal conformation to a footprint.

Its strategical position and wealth of minerals favoured its settlement and development of trade and cultural exchanges. Inhabited since the Paleolithic period, it possesses a priceless historical and architectural treasure, starting with the famous “Nuraghi”.

Our navigation area includes also the National Park of “La Maddalena Archipelago” made up of 62 islands and islets, characterized by the presence of one third of Sardinian flora, including some rare species strongly conditioned by the wind, sunshine and aridity factors, as well as by the distance from the mainland.

With its 180km of coastline, the Archipelago offers most of the famous and evocative beaches in the Mediterranean, such as Spiaggia Rosa, Spiaggia del Cavaliere on the island of Budelli, spiaggia di Cala Coticciu, Cala Napoletana, spiaggia del relitto at Caprera.

On the island of La Maddalena, Bassa Trinita, with its white sand dunes and the cliff of Punta Tegge.

Inlets and coves forming a myriad of highly suggestive natural harbours, offer not only an peerless panorama, but also protection to sailors in different sea conditions.

To access the Maddalena Park, a special authorization is necessary (ticket that can be purchased online) that entitles you to sail, moor, anchor and stop within 300 metres from the coast.

Sardinia - SCOPRI DI PIù